Friday, December 7, 2007

My New Home Address And You Can Too.

Good morning!
I wanted you to be the first to know that
I have moved and to give you my new home address:

I have moved from Beggars Alley located on Poverty Lane at the corner of
Bleak and Busted Circle . As of today, I have a brand new home.

My new address is:

123 Living Well Drive in the Abundance Subdivision, located at the corners of
Blessings Street & lt; and Thankful Peak . You get there by taking the Praising
Him Interstate, which runs North, South, East and West.

I no longer have to travel on Begging Peter to pay off Paul Route, because it's located at a dead-end intersection called: I Don't Have, that crosses Borrowers' Junction & Complaining Lane. THAT road doesn't lead to my new home.

I no longer hang out at Failure's Place near Excuses Avenue , near the
Procrastination Mall. I've moved on to an upscale community called Higher
Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to Succeed----can't you tell? Just look at me!!

I met the neighbors and I love living next to them. Let me tell you about my new neighbors: The IT Family: Mr. CONCEIVE IT, Mrs. BELIEVE IT and sister ACT ON IT. Then there's FAITH & HOPE from next door, Ms. PERSISTENT & Mr. POSITIVE across the street, Steve & Eve ACHIEVE from down the street AND my favorite neighbors are the family who live in a beautiful High Rise on the Penthouse Floor. The head of the house is God, he's the Father, Jesus, his only Son and H.S. (who's hardly home because he's always traveling, he's a real people person).

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!! The best thing is that if you're tired of living where you're living, there are TONS of homes for sale in my new neighborhood!!

Oh, just one thing I want to warn you about. There's this Big DOG named BLESSINGS and every single time I leave my house he chases me down and overtakes me!! It's like he's everywhere!! I see Blessings in the city and Blessings in the fields, I see blessings when I come and when I go!! Since I can't get away from him, I've learned to just Expect him and Embrace him. Good thing he doesn't bite!!

I am so thankful to be a product of my new environment. All of my clothes are now custom designed by the MASTER TAILOR and MADE to fit just me. I am dressed in life's finest!! I have a new walk and a new talk all because I CHOSE TO MOVE!!

Life is good because: GOD IS GOOD!!!!! HAVE YOU MOVED TOO???