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1. Winograd Notes Lebanon War Failures but Absolves Olmert
2. Snow Brings a Mantle of White
3. Terrorists Recently Released from Prison Involved in Terror
4. Shas Threatens to Quit Gov't Over Jerusalem
5. Barak: Israel Suspects Iran Has Clandestine Uranium Enrichment Program
6. Homeless Man Freezes to Death in Tel Aviv
7. New Campaign in Los Angeles: Live for Sderot
8. Israel Fears Terror Campaign in Sinai
9. Palestinian Engineer Puts Tel Aviv on the Right Track
10. Erlich and Ram Win Australian Grand Slam Tennis Doubles
1. Winograd Notes Lebanon War Failures but Absolves Olmert
Providing material for both sides of the political aisle the evening of January 30, the Winograd Commission’s final report on the handling of the second Lebanon War avoided, as expected, any personal recommendations, and ultimately absolved Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from improper motives regarding the ground attack in the final hours of the conflict. The situation sets up a crucial waiting period as Labor party leader Ehud Barak decides whether or not to pull out of the government and force new elections.
Although the report was not condemning, it did call the war a “serious missed opportunity” and portrayed Israel as failing to take advantage of a situation in which they were clearly superior militarily. In addition, the political echelon was cited repeatedly along with the military for strategic and planning mistakes.
However, in addressing the ground offensive at the end of the war in which Israeli soldiers were killed shortly before a ceasefire, the report felt that the flawed effort was nonetheless done for the right reason. Speaking on former Minister of Defense Amir Peretz and Olmert, an English version of the report’s summary said, “We believe that they both acted out of a strong and sincere perception of what they thought at the time was Israel’s interest.”
A member of Olmert’s Kadima party pointed to that as a rebuttal of Olmert’s detractors. Speaking on the report’s determination that Olmert acted with Israeli interests in mind, Member of Knesset Menahem Ben-Sasson, the chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, said, “Those who point to the prime minister and the minister of defense as politically interested in their personal future [in sending in soldiers] now find an answer in this report…They can say nothing, prove nothing about political personal motive.”
Ben-Sasson said he was “very satisfied” with the report and said that not only should Barak not withdraw from the government, but he thinks it is possible another like-minded party could add their numbers to the vulnerable coalition.
“I think there is no reason for anybody to leave this coalition government. It showed itself to be of proper potential to make changes already in the last seven months,” said Ben-Sasson.
Meanwhile, apparently drawing on the repeated statements of failure for both the military and political echelons, including the government’s failing to define Israel’s overall strategy in the conflict or an exit strategy, the opposition Likud party said in a statement that Olmert must take personal responsibility and resign, and Barak must keep his campaign promise to quit the government.
“If the defense minister searched for an excuse in the report not to resign, he did not find one,” said the Likud statement.
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 31, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the current volatility within the Israeli government will lead to accountability and responsibility by elected officials. Pray that this present debate will provide the wisdom and honesty needed in those who govern the people.
“And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15).
2. Snow Brings a Mantle of White
When I ventured to my windows January 30 I was greeted by steadily falling snow. The cars below were wearing thick robes of white. The street covered with ice, indicated the consistency of the overnight precipitation. People were outside keen to enter into a unique experience…snow falling in Jerusalem. They wore coats or sheets of clear plastic. Families sauntered along the street where I live, just as they do, when traffic stops on Saturday for Shabbat.
The snowfall was generous and the joy was shared with the Galilee, as well as Judea and Samaria. Authorities closed schools and many offices opted for a day off as public transport halted because of the treacherous road conditions. The forecasters have predicted light snow falls also for Thursday.
Municipality snow-removing vehicles were busy at work keeping major thoroughfares open. I noticed the garbage removal men were still on deck running their regular route with an extra difficulty to overcome. Most people avoided driving. I even saw pedestrians lose their footing on the glassy pavements.
In the midst of the automotive calm, the wail of Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulance sirens could be heard as those reliable crews dealt with accident victims throughout the city. Arutz Sheva reported MDA evacuated five women in labor to local hospitals. They also assisted several in Jerusalem who suffered broken bones.
Mayor Uri Lupoliansky hosted a snowman competition in Sacher Park, Wednesday afternoon. Meanwhile there were road closures on highway 60 (Jerusalem-Shiloh) where the snow reached heights up to 20 centimetres (8 inches). The weather bureau says the snow will be gone by Shabbat (Friday).
(By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 30, 2008)
Editor’s Note: It goes without saying there are many people in distress during the current snowfall. See Prayer Focus 6. You can give to bless them and comfort them in their desperate need. Give today. Go to “Opportunities” on our website—www.bridgesforpeace.com—and give to comfort the People of the Book. Thank you
Prayer Focus
Please pray that the Lord would reach out in love and comfort to those who are suffering in the freezing conditions in Israel. While many rejoice and praise God, enjoying the wonders of the snow, others need your love and tender care. Pray that the Lord would bless them through His great mercy!
“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem” (Isaiah 66:13).
3. Terrorists Recently Released from Prison Involved in Terror
Towards noon January 25, Israeli security officials confirmed earlier reports that claimed that the two terrorists affiliated with Hamas who infiltrated the Kfar Etzion yeshiva on Thursday night and stabbed two tutors before they were shot dead, had recently been released from jail in Israel.
The two were identified as relatives Mohammed and Mahmoud Sbarana, both aged twenty from the village of Beit Omar near Hebron. Earlier Israeli security officials denied reports claiming the two had recently been released from jail. After further investigation however it became apparent that the two had completed their prison sentence and were released.
Israeli security officials stressed that the two had not been released in the framework of any deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
(By Staff, Infolive.tv, January 25, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Pray for the families of those who were bereaved in this vicious attack.
“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by” (Psalm 57:1).
4. Shas Threatens to Quit Gov't Over Jerusalem
Shas' Council of Torah Sages convened January 27 at the home of the party's spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and announced that Shas would quit the government once negotiations with the Palestinians over the fate of Jerusalem begin.
"The moment Israel starts discussing Jerusalem with the Palestinians, Shas will immediately resign from the government," the council's secretary Rafael Pinhasi stated.
Shas has already made similar statements in the past, and Sunday's declaration was predominately aimed at making it clear to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert once again that the party would make no compromises on the matter.
"The Council of Torah Sages believes that no peace talks should be held before terror activities are stopped completely," a statement issued by Pinhasi said.
Shas Chairman Eli Yishai, who met with Olmert last week, said he asked the prime minister that the negotiations with the Palestinians be conducted with full transparency.
"The prime minister promised me that construction in Jerusalem and its surrounding would not be frozen," Yishai told the council. "I also spoke to the defense minister, who told me he would look into it. If this matter isn't resolved, I will approach the prime minister again," he added.
(By Neta Sela, Ynetnews.com, January 27, 2008)
Prayer Focus
With the Winograd Report now publicized, the prime minister has said he will get on with implementing his policies of peace. Pray for the plan to divide Jerusalem that the Lord will protect His city throughout the future negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.
“He also built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD had said, ‘In Jerusalem shall My name be forever’” (2 Chronicles 33:4).
5. Barak: Israel Suspects Iran Has Clandestine Uranium Enrichment Program
Iran is not threatening Israel and does not want nuclear weapons, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said January 26. Speaking to Israel Radio on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Iranian Foreign Minister Manoucheher Mottaki said that it was Israel that possessed nuclear weapons and are "threatening Teheran." Iran, said Mottaki did not recognize two countries South Africa and Israel. However with the end of apartheid in South Africa the problem was solved and in Israel’s case there is no reason why relations cannot change when it changes its policy he said.
Meanwhile, in an interview to the Washington Post published Saturday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel believes Iran has a clandestine uranium enrichment program beyond the one in Natanz and suspects that it is already working on warheads for ground-to-ground missiles. Barak said Israel believes "the Iranians are aiming at nuclear capability," even though "they may have slowed down the weapons [development] in 2003, because it was at the height of the American military campaign [in Iraq]."
"We think that they are quite advanced, much beyond the level of the Manhattan Project," Barak stated, referring to the codename of the US nuclear development project during World War II.
"It's clear that the real risk with Iran turning nuclear is that it will be the end of the non-proliferation regime because it will open the door on active proliferation," he said. "It's very dangerous that we will end up in 10 to 15 years with a nuclear device in the hands of terrorists." "The leading intelligence communities should concentrate on finding whether there is…a clandestine enrichment operation and a weapons group working on the weapons technology," he said.
But he acknowledged that the international community was not as certain of Iran's nuclear aspirations. "Clearly the NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] reduced the enthusiasm even for tougher sanctions," he said. "We need a much deeper and more intimate cooperation between the United States, the EU, Russia and China. And this needs a paradigm shift in the way we approach China and Russia."
Barak also spoke of the fledgling Middle East peace process, saying Israel was willing to reach an accord but was not sure of the Palestinian Authority's ability to implement one. "There has never been a shortage of goodwill on Israel's side. [PA President Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen] and Prime Minister Salaam Fayad] are both willing and ready, but there is a great question mark as to whether they are able. They control only half of their people," he said.
(By Staff, Infolive.tv, January 26, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the world leaders will not be duped into allowing the Iranian nuclear project to continue despite the many warnings of their continued activities in that direction.
“Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; preserve my life from fear of the enemy” (Psalm 64:1).
6. Homeless Man Freezes to Death in Tel Aviv
A homeless man believed to be about 50 years old froze to death in Tel Aviv on the night of January 27. A Magen David Adom [MDA] crew dispatched to the city's Nadav Street on Monday morning proclaimed the man dead. This appears to be another death related to the recent cold spell.
Yaniv Riz, an MDA paramedic, was dispatched to the scene of the incident. "We received a report about an unconscious man lying in the street. When we arrived his entire body was blue. He was lying there for several hours, and when we arrived he had already died of hypothermia."
According to Riz, the man did not find shelter from the cold. "It was on a main street, not in some corner. It appears that he was walking in the street and collapsed.
"What shocked me was that he had a piece of bread in his hand, which he had apparently planned to eat. He had no blanket and was only dressed in a coat and long trousers, nothing more."
On Sunday, two people were killed in a fire that erupted in a deserted building in Rishon Lezion's Herzl Street, south of Tel Aviv. The bodies of the two people, believed to be homeless, were found inside the burnt building after firefighters gained control of the flames.
One of the bodies was burnt as a result of the fire, while the other body was unharmed, causing rescue services to believe that the second person died after inhaling smoke.
A police investigation revealed that the two sought shelter from the cold in the deserted building and choked on the dense smoke while sleeping. The fire then spread throughout the building and destroyed it.
(By Metal Yasur Beit-Or, Ynetnews.com, January 28, 2008)
Editor’s Note: Please pray about giving financially to Bridges for Peace so we can be prepared for the seasonal emergencies. Go to our Bridges for Peace Web site and click on “Opportunities.”
Prayer Focus
Pray for those who are suffering terribly and even dying in the extreme cold this winter. See Editor’s Note—Prayer Focus 2.
“So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:27).
7. New Campaign in Los Angeles: Live for Sderot
The Israeli Consulate General in Los Angeles and the Israeli Leadership Club (ILC) on January 29 launched the 'Live for Sderot' campaign' in the city.
The campaign is aimed at presenting the distress of the children living in the rocket-battered town of Sderot and breaking through the global media's disregard of the city, which is mostly mentioned only in relation to the distress of the Gaza Strip's residents.
As part of the campaign, El-Al Airlines will fly a delegation of 10 teenagers from Sderot to Los Angeles. The youths will visit campuses and schools throughout the city and share their experiences with the students.
The selected teens will also enjoy a dreamlike tour of the city, with visits to Universal Studios, Disneyland and an NBA game. The delegation's stay in Los Angeles will be financed by the ILC.
A new website, www.live4sderot.org, will be launched as part of the campaign and will include information about Sderot. In addition, a video featuring Sderot's children and dealing with each person's right to live in peace has been posted on the YouTube website.
The campaign will reach its climax on February 26, when the Consulate General and the ILC will host a charity and solidarity concert for Sderot. The organizations seek to raise at least US $1 million for the city's children.
The concert, which will include a performance by Israeli singer Ninet Tayeb and will be attended by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, will also launch the celebrations of the State of Israel's 60th anniversary in the city.
A Foreign Ministry official noted that "this activity is part of the Foreign Ministry's efforts to raise the world's awareness to the ongoing suffering of the residents of Sderot and Gaza vicinity communities.
"This effort is a key task of the Ministry's communications and PR department, which is holding a series of events and activities in this framework among the public and the media, focusing on the internet."
(By Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynetnews, January 30, 2008)
Editor’s Note: Bridges for Peace, with the support of US donors, is currently providing blankets and heaters to the residents of Sderot, Help us help them in this snowy winter. Visit “Opportunities” on our Bridges for Peace Web site and give for our Sderot support effort. Praise God for this further effort in LA))
Prayer Focus
Pray for those who are under attack from missiles and rockets and who also suffer right now, in the harshness of the winter.
“Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy” (Psalm 33:18).
8. Israel Fears Terror Campaign in Sinai
A team of Israeli security and government officials visited Cairo on Monday to express concern over the possibility of a new wave of terror attacks in the Sinai Peninsula, the Arabic daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat reports.
Israel is concerned the mass exodus of Palestinians from Gaza over the last week has allowed terrorists based in the coastal enclave to move into Egyptian controlled Sinai, where they can launch attacks on Israeli vacationers.
The Media Line’s cameras filmed weapons being moved across the Gaza-Egypt border after Hamas supporters blew seven holes in the frontier wall. Sinai has witnessed several terror attacks in recent years, mainly aimed at the hotels where Israeli tourists stay.
(By Staff. The Media Line, January 29, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Pray that Israel will experience peace on her borders. Pray that the enemy will not use the coming 60th birthday celebrations in Israel to cause pain and sorrow in the Land.
“He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat” (Psalm 147:14).
9. Palestinian Engineer Puts Tel Aviv on the Right Track
It might be a bit of a head-scratcher for those who see nothing but the violent clashes on TV, but a Palestinian is now part of a Tel Aviv design and planning team, working on the city's new light rail train project, expected to be completed by 2012. The train is expected to ease congestion and pollution in the city's busy streets. With Issa Zananiri on board, it might also help ease a little of the conflict in the region, by increasing tolerance and understanding between Palestinians and Israelis.
Zananiri, 26, is a Palestinian Christian from the small village of Beit Hanina just outside of east Jerusalem. His name Issa means Jesus in Arabic. Like the stereotypical Jewish family, Zananiri's family—and other Arab families in his community—dream that their sons will grow up to be doctors or engineers one day, he says.
So far Zananiri's parent's dreams have come true. Happy that he is an engineer with a good job, they support the fact that he works in Tel Aviv, among Israelis. "I have a father who is open to everybody," says Zananiri.
But life in Israel can be complicated, he notes. He holds an Israeli identity card, but not citizenship. And as a Greek Orthodox Christian, he is somehow caught in the middle of the conflict, belonging to neither the Muslim nor the Jewish struggle.
Though it's uncommon for Palestinians to live and work in Tel Aviv, his Israeli co-workers have embraced him completely in the workplace, he says. "I just received a very welcoming environment when I first came to work," he told ISRAEL21c.
He gives the answer 2012 as the year when the train is finally expected to be ready, but the answer comes with a measure of conjecture. It is an elusive question, he recognizes, and one that many Israelis are asking amongst themselves. We are, after all, still in the Middle East," he concludes, in a light-hearted manner.
(By Karen Kloosterman, Israel21c.org, January 29, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Praise God for this unique situation. Pray that this kind of love, friendship, and acceptance will be seen throughout Israel and the Middle East.
“But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children” (Psalm 103:17).
10. Erlich and Ram Win Australian Grand Slam Tennis Doubles
Israelis were celebrating with tennis stars Jonathan Erlich and Andy Ram after they won their first grand slam doubles title 7–5, 7–6. The brilliant pair defeated Frenchmen Arnaud Clement and Michael Liodra in the Australian Open men’s doubles final played January 26. They are the first Israelis to win the trophy.
After the success, Erlich acknowledged the joyful support of their fans. A strong, vocal contingent of supporters followed the pair to every match played over the past two weeks. Even Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called to congratulated the stars.
They defeated the Frenchmen who are the Wimbledon champions. Erlich and Ram were ahead when rain stopped play. When the contest resumed the Frenchmen rallied and the Israeli duo had a tough battle but emerged with tennis of the highest standard.
They lifted for the win. They were down 3–1 in the final set tiebreak but in a sustained effort won the next four points to win.
(By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 26, 2008)
Prayer Focus
Praise God for the success and joy of these outstanding athletes.
Note: All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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Isaiah 62:6-7 - I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
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