►January 13
Nepal - Before 1960 no Christian could even live in Nepal. Thank God that now there is more freedom of religion, but it is still difficult and dangerous to tell other people about God.
UAE - Pray for God to raise up many more Believers in Jesus Christ from among the Muslim population.
►January 14
Albania – Pray for Albanians to meet Jesus and follow Him in a way that is culturally appropriate.
Morocco - Moroccans have a pride in their country as a center for Islamic learning and heritage. Pray for open doors for Christians to be a witness for Jesus Christ.
►January 15
Iraq – Current Iraqi law actually allows Christians to worship freely. Pray that a new government will not only maintain this, but also enforce such freedoms.
Sri Lanka – The northern area of Sri Lanka was hit by the full force of the 2005 Tsunami, killing 31,000 and destroying coastal villages. Pray for restoration of the people there as well as their land.
►January 16
Israel - Praise God for his continued purposes on this region. Thank God for that the number of Jews and Muslims who are becoming Christians is growing.
Tajikistan - Thank God that in 1992 there were only two or three Tajik Christian Believers, but now there are several hundred around the world. Pray that this number continues to quickly grow.
►January 17
China - Thank God that China has seen more Christian Church growth than any other country in history. Pray for even more growth and that other 10/40 Window nations will follow the Chinese Church’s example.
Djibouti - There a few Afar and Somali Christians―many of them are jobless and cannot read or write. Pray that these small communities would not feel isolated but would be encouraged and grow.
►January 18
Laos - Pray for the plans of Laos’ small terrorists insurgency to be defeated.
Western Sahara - Pray for fellowship and discipleship all Christians. Pray for Believers to receive greater acceptance in society.
►January 19
Taiwan – Praise God that since the ‘90s the number of Christians in Taiwan has been growing.
Bahrain - Bahrain has more social freedoms than in other Arab state as women don’t have to wear the veil. Pray that there would be even more political and religious freedom in Bahrain.
►January 20
Brunei – Muslims aim for Brunei to be a “pure” Islamic state by 2020―and offer incentives like jobs and houses to spread Islam. Pray for Muslims in Brunei to meet Jesus Christ the Savior and follow Him.
Lebanon - Cross border fire between Hizballah and Israel has been ongoing. The sudden escalation of conflict in July 2006 led to bombing raids on Beirut, civilian casualties and a mass exodus of foreigners and refugees. Pray for a miracle of peace in the Israeli-Lebanese conflict.
►January 21
Qatar - The strict form of Sunni Islam, Wahhabi, is the state religion of Qatar. Pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ in their dreams.
Turkmenistan – Pray for the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in Turkmenistan as persecution is on the rise―with leaders getting beaten up and any foreign Christians being forced to leave the country.
►January 22
Ethiopia - Pray for clashes between Muslims and Protestants to end in this precious nation.
Myanmar – Pray for peace in this nation. Pray fervently for the country and its leader, Than Shwe, to turn to the Living God.
►January 23
Chad – With 200 people groups and 120 languages, Chad is one of the most unreached countries in Africa and presents a challenge for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for laborers to be sent to this harvest field (Matthew 9:37-38).
Algeria – The Berber peoples could make up as much as 40% of the population, but the Arab majority have tried to impose their culture on them and stopped them from using their own language. Thousands in the Kabyle region have become Christians and meet openly in their villages. Pray that these churches would be protected from persecution and would grow in the grace of God.
►January 24
Libya – Pray for the salvation of Col. Muammar al-Qadhafi and his top leaders.
Malaysia - Pray against demonic forces that are using the terrorists like puppets will be toppled, and that the people will be set free to worship the Lord.
►January 25
Oman - Oman has changed rapidly since the new Sultan took power in 1970. Pray that as people adapt to new ideas and change, they would be open to spiritual change as well.
Kazakhstan - Pray that the influence of Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and other terrorist organizations will not spread to Kazakhstan. (2 Timothy 2:24–26)
►January 26
Tunisia - Pray for the Tunisian government to crack down on terrorist groups.
Cambodia – The sex industry in Cambodia is growing―a third of all prostitutes are children. Pray for God to break through this industry and deliver child prostitutes.