It's a fact: God is getting squeezed way out of Washington, D.C.
Now, before you read any further, know this: I'm not here to spout off my
beliefs in God or religion.
But I am a firm believer in accurately reporting history whether
or not I'm proud of it, believe in it, or even like it.
And whatever my personal beliefs may be, I think it's a dangerous game to
try to erase the heritage left by our founding fathers religious or otherwise.
But that's exactly what's happening every day in this country.
I could give dozens of examples, but this is the latest one to cross my desk.
"Laus Deo," or praise be to God, is inscribed on the east side of the aluminum
cap that sits high atop the Washington Monument.
Since not too many people have the opportunity to see the real thing,
the National Park Service has created a replica. In 2000, the replica was
displayed in such a way that all four sides could clearly
be seen, but in 2007, the "Laus Deo" side of the monument has been
pressed so closely to the wall that no amount of straining or contorting
can allow you to see the inscription.
It was mysteriously removed from the plaque's description as well. In 2000, it read,
"APEX OF THE MONUMENT The builders searched for an appropriate metal for
the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod.
They chose one of the rarest metals of the time, aluminum.
The casting was inscribed with the phrase, Laus Deo, (Praise be to God)."
In 2007, the last sentence is no longer there. Instead, itreads:
"CAP OF THE MONUMENT The builders searched for appropriate metal for
the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lightning rod.
They chose one of the rarest metals of the time aluminum." Period!
A National Park Service ranger said, "It's not a conspiracy or anything"
Yeah right. This whole Washington Monument issue might seem minor
and by itself, it is.
But when you tack it on to other anti-God movements
that are done in the name of being politically correct
(like calls to rewrite the Pledge of Allegiance), suddenly the molehill becomes
a mountain.
One more thing: I just read a story about some high school students
who put up a poster advertising a program called Operation Christmas Child.
The school forced them to replace the word "Christmas" with the word "Holiday."
I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the books (as of yet) that actually
outlaws God or Christmas.