Union Pacific Hiring up to 5000
Union Pacific is Hiring 3000 to 5000 people to fill all jobs for people retiring this year. They will do all the training for 14 Weeks. 45k to 60k per year salary to start . They're looking for people to fill positions all over the United States. So, if you know anyone who needs work let them know, they can apply online or go to one of the job fairs in their area. It's also Online for locations and times... < http://www.unionpacificjobs.com.
FEMA Hiring 190 PFTs
The United States Congress recently approved 190 new, permanent full-time (PFT) positions within FEMA as a part of a comprehensive workforce strategy for the agency. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has committed to advertise these positions for FEMA so that they may be filled by the end of this fiscal year. The vacancies cover a range of preparedness activities and include jobs such as public assistance, individual assistance, telecommunications and geo-spatial communications, incident management assistance team, program manager, logistics, contract specialist, federal coordinating officer, federal processing officer, grant management, and administrative staff.
The 190 positions are easily identifi ed by the "AN" prefix assigned to each job number. Those interested should apply to the announcements listed on the USAJOBs website. Applicants are encouraged to follow the application procedures described by OPM in each vacancy announcement. Please note that applications will not be directly accepted by the FEMA Employment Office.
The 190 positions have been posted and are now accessible at: www.usajobs.opm.gov