Thanksgiving is over for this year, and I was too busy to get this out before,
but it's still an opportunity to get something off your chest, regardless of party
affiliation. Seldom do you get an invitation like this. I must confess,
I was pleasantly surprised when it came. Be sure and take a look at what others
are saying, for the record.
Thanksgiving is a time for personal reflection an opportunity to give thanks
and count our blessings. It is, of course, also a time to share great food and
conversation with the people that are close to our hearts. It is important to
take time out of our busy schedules to remember what is really important in our lives.
As we approach this very special time of year, I can't help but reflect on what
a privilege it is to be an American. There are many things to be thankful for,
not the least of which include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
These are concepts that the original Pilgrims set out to establish, the founding fathers enshrined in our Constitution, and what thousands of American men and women are
doing overseas while fighting for freedom and democracy. The sacrifices of these
people cannot be understated.
House Republican Whip Rep. Roy Blunt has started a conversation on our
blog to honor these people as well as provide a forum for all citizens to list
the things for which they are thankful. As we all prepare to join family and
friends for this holiday, I urge you to read Congressman Blunt's post, and
add to the conversation yourself by clicking here.
Thanks again for all you have done for the NRCC,
and Happy Thanksgiving!
Tom Cole, M.C. Chairman