Monday, January 7, 2008


Dear friend, I have struggled for years with the idea of writing this article, because I know it will trouble some people very close to me, but I feel it's an article whose time has come. Please consider it, and provide me with your personal imput. I would much appreciate it. Lyle

Prescription Drugs and Sorcery
Lyle L, January 2008

“Just say no to drugs.” How many times have people heard this advice, yet still think nothing of going to the local pharmacy to pick up their drug prescriptions? America is awash in a sea of drugs, both legal and illegal. Traces of painkillers, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antibiotics, birth control pills and chemotherapy agents, to name a few, are present in the food chain and our drinking water. The number of people who die every year from adverse reactions to prescription drugs is so high that USA Today listed it as the 4th leading cause of mortality on their 1998 list of Top Ten Killers in the USA, and the situation is far worse, today.

Most consumers think that illegal street drugs are in an entirely different class than prescription drugs and they believe that pharmaceutical companies would never manufacture or sell street drugs. But guess what? As you'll read here, drug companies actually invented many of the street drugs now considered to be the most devastating, including heroin and meth ("ice"). The following facts clearly establish the connection between street drugs and pharmaceutical companies:

1. Heroin was launched as a medicine by Felix Hoffman, an employee of Bayer, only a few days after he invented aspirin. Bayer immediately applied for a trademark on the term "heroin" then began marketing the drug as a cure for morphine addiction, and as cough syrup for children.

2. Parke-Davis, a subsidiary of Pfizer, promoted and sold cocaine. It even produced a "cocaine injection kit" complete with a syringe for shooting up. Skeptical? You can view the picture yourself by clicking

Also related: Coca-Cola really did contain cocaine during its first few decades on the market (it also contained kola nut extract, hence the name). Cocaine was later removed from the formula and replaced with caffeine, a substance that is similarly addictive and serves much the same purpose.

3. A subsidiary of Novartis, Sandoz Laboratories, introduced the world to LSD in 1938, marketing it as a psychiatric drug named Delysid. This same drug company also created saccharin, the artificial chemical sweetener.

4. Drug giant Merck pioneered the commercial manufacture of morphine from opium and was a heavy pusher and marketer of cocaine. Merck also patented MDMA (Ecstasy, the rave drug). After World War II, Merck also began producing pesticides and food preservatives.

5. Ritalin is "speed" for children. A chemical amphetamine, Ritalin is made of controlled substances that would land you in prison if you sold them to a kid on the street, yet the drug is currently prescribed to millions of schoolchildren in the United States to treat a "brain chemistry condition" that was invented by the drug companies.

6. In the 1930's, drug companies marketed amphetamines as over-the-counter inhaler medicines for treating nasal congestion. Tablet amphetamines were also widely available in tablet form and frequently abused by students, truck drivers and other groups.

7. Meth was first synthesized by chemists and later refined by drug companies. During WWII, meth was prescribed to soldiers by the U.S., Germany and Japan. Hitler was known as a "meth head" by his own staff. By the end of the war, millions of military personnel were addicted to the drug. Today, meth ("crank") is made from ingredients found in over-the-counter cold medicines. While a meth epidemic sweeps America, destroying entire communities and even threatening some states (Hawaii in particular), drug companies insist their cold medicines should remain over the counter and not be classified as controlled substances. There is currently no legislative effort whatsoever to ban over-the-counter cold medicines containing the chemicals used to create meth.

Once you realize the connection between street drugs and prescription drugs, it's easy to figure out why Big Pharma is such a strong supporter of the Partnership For A Drug-Free America - because they don't want consumers getting their drugs from street dealers, they want people buying their drugs from drug companies, prescribed by physicians, and dispensed by pharmacists! Drug companies' attempts to outlaw street drugs are little more than a way of eliminating the competition and monopolizing the drug market.

Ultimately, Big Pharma is just another drug pushing cartel that has the same goals as any drug dealer: Convince customers they need your drug, get them hooked on it and eliminate the competition. The only difference is that Big Pharma has been so successful at dealing drugs that it has enough funds to buy off Congress, the Food and Drug Administration and practically the entire psychiatric industry (not to mention medical schools and mainstream media outlets). With such a record, the pharmaceutical industry (and the medical profession which prescribes and dispenses these drugs) would be considered criminal by any other civilized standard.

"Those who worship at the throne of the 'chemical gods' of the religion of evolution science, espoused by modern medicine for decades, might do well to consider that the word 'sorceries', found in the original texts of both the Old and New Testaments, was actually the Greek word, Pharmakeia, meaning medication or pharmacy." Isn't that interesting? The Bible, the standard by which most Christians and many non-Christians live their lives, condemns the everyday use of any kind of drugs, potions, or spells, as well as poisoning or witchcraft.

Most people, including those who believe the Bible, would have no trouble in defining pharmakeia within the parameter of mind altering or hallucinogenic drugs. It’s with the legal drugs, prescribed by a respected physician, and dispensed by a respected pharmacist, that so many fail to see a dangerous and sinister spiritual connection.

When confronted with the revelation that God condemns pharmakeia, some would argue that the reference to "practicing sorcery or engaging in witchcraft" in Deuteronomy 18, or the Apostle Paul's describing idolotry and witchcraft as "acts of a sinful nature (the flesh)" when he wrote his letter to the Church at Galatia, had to be referring to illegal, mind-altering drugs (like cocain, heroin, LSD, and marijuana), certainly not prescription drugs. They would be half right. Narcotics and hallucinogenic drugs were not uncommon in 1st century AD. For instance, the Oracles of Delphi apparently used Datura, a kind of Jimson plant that contained powerful alkaloids, during their quests for visions.

God’s Word lists pharmakeia as a work of the flesh for a reason. Those who turn to drugs (and those who encourage their use) place dependency on a false reality (an illusion) instead of in God, our real healer. It is an insidious scheme, one that has kept millions from knowing the power of healing still afforded to them by God. Yet many of those same peoples, Christians and non-Christians alike, would fret over the former as though they are a scourge (and they are), while completely overlooking the physical and spiritual danger of the latter. If these people were as much concerned about taking prescription drugs as they are about their children getting involved with illegal drugs, there would be far fewer deaths. That’s because deaths from adverse prescription drug reactions are many times greater then deaths caused by illegal drugs. Many people who respect the Word of God think legal drugs are different because they are part of our medical system. Simply stated, they trust anyone wearing white robes to prescribe and dispense drugs. They do so without understanding that everything about the pharmaceutical industry violates the spiritual foundational truth and teaching of God.

There are many reasons why God condemns pharmakeia. Perhaps the primary reason is that God calls Himself Jehovah-rapha, the God who heals us (Exodus 15:26). He wants us to look to Him for healing (to make us whole), because only He and what He has provided to us for healing can really heal. King David acknowledged this foundational truth when he wrote: "Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion…" Psalm 103:2-4

When anyone is dependent upon drugs, illegal or "legal," they unknowingly deny God the glory and the ability to heal them. Because nearly half of Americans take from one to a dozen prescription drugs, daily, this information will be hard for many to accept, because they really depend on those drugs. You need to understand that drug companies think this number is still too low. Their goal is to have 100 percent of us taking not just one drug per day, but multiple drugs every day, for life. I can't judge anyone's motivations, but I suspect the reason for the dependence is two-fold: many don't really see God in their heart and mind as their Healer, in which case they conclude that the age of divine healing is over, and their faith for healing is now bound to a lie (a work of the flesh) called pharmakeia, OR they're addicted to the drugs, and in many cases both are true.

God is a jealous God. So when we place our dependency in anything other than in God, we are in effect, turning our backs to Him. We are saying, “God is not sufficient for me. He cannot or will not heal me.” That’s not to say we shouldn’t seek medical help from a physician. The problem, however, is most physicians are secular, having sworn an oath to "an unknown god," and knowing only pharmakeia, surgery and radiation methods of treatment. They do not know Yehovah-rapha or the healing provision He created and placed in the plant kingdom for the health and well-being of generations of mankind to come (Genesis 1:29). But God didn’t place every provision for healing in the plant kingdom. For He knew there would also be illnesses and disease visited on man through man’s sins of the heart. These sins include fear, worry, jealously, hatred, guilt and the like. These illnesses and diseases are spiritual in nature, and require a cleansing of the heart only God can perform in order for healing to become reality.

The healing of disease is one of God’s blessings to mankind. He never intended one should have to spend half their income on a man-made drug to live. He never intended that medicine should come at the price of “acceptable risk.” It is only the greed in man that creates a man-made substitute from those provisions and then foists them on an ignorant people as the latest miracle drug. The truth is all man-made drugs are far inferior to the real thing; faster, maybe, but not as beneficial.

But in most cases it’s not the physician’s fault. Physicians only know to treat patients according to the methods they were taught, and since the medical and pharmaceutical cartel dictates curriculum at the highest levels, much that needs to be known doesn't get learned. Like the ol' mountain man once said, "You can't no more give someone else somethin' you ain't got than to go back agin to where you ain't never been before." Makes sense to me in 2008. An example of what I mean is found in the fact that, according to former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, "fifteen out of every twenty one deaths in America are nutrition related," and yet, doctors in training learn virtually nothing about the connection between nutrition and healing. If fact, they aren't taught to think in terms of "healing" because getting rid of the symptoms is what "modern" medicine is all about, and what drugs are intended to do.

If drugs actually worked and healed people, without killing or hospitalizing many of those who take them, we wouldn't be considering the problem, right? But drugs do not heal. At best, they only suppress symptoms. At their worst, they hospitalize over two million people and kill hundreds of thousands more, every year. For a detailed article on the extent of this very situation, go to the website, and click on the article, Death by Friendly Fire. You'll get the picture!

There is both good and bad medicine. The difference between the two is that good medicine only heals and never harms. Bad medicine never heals and always harms, sooner or later. Drugs that kill in the name of healing are not from God. They belong to the enemy of your soul, Satan. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in healing the sick. Its only interest is in selling more drugs, and getting as many people as it can started on drugs, and keeping them there for the rest of their lives.

God cannot embrace any medicine that kills or maims in the name of healing. Such a modality stands opposed to everything God stands for. God desires that everyone enjoy good health, and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well (3 John 2). Certainly, God can use even an illness or a surgery for his glory, and to sometimes get our attention, but I don't believe that's his "A" plan for us. Satan, on the other hand, is a liar, the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning (John 8: 44). What else can you expect from him?

The above sentence, “keeping them there for the rest of their lives,” plays a big role over what God is concerned with. When you read Galatians 5:21, you will see the following text: “Those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” The word “live” refers to everyday use, to be dependent upon, to make routine. In other words: To live by. The Bible tells us, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits” (I John 4:1). And again, “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” (I Thessalonians 5:21-22). Does a system that relies on sorcery and witchcraft that promotes addiction, sickness and death sound like a good spirit (good medicine) to you?

We recognize that drugs have a role to play in hospital emergency rooms and ICU’s. Drugs used here are used primarily on a temporary basis to stabilize patients for medical procedures and control of pain. When used in this manner, drugs have saved many lives. This is a good and necessary thing! It’s the people who “live” and stay on drugs to “manage” their lives that creates the spiritual tension that opposes total reliance on Him for our wellness.

Today, drugs are routinely prescribed for almost any physical, lifestyle or emotional complaint: male impotency, baldness, lack of sleep, arthritis, depression, pre and post menopause, acid reflux, anxiety, osteoporosis, acne, A.D.D., constipation and diabetes, and confuse us by counterfeiting the will of God in our lives. By creating alternative realities, the spirit behind these drugs can move us away from God’s will into an illusion, a false reality of truth.

I have good news and bad news. While a a significant number of people still refuse the prescriptions that most mainstream physicians dole out like candy, based on a recent Wall Street Journal poll, the number of doubting Thomases has shrunk from 32 percent to 27 percent in just two years. Second opinions are dwindling slightly too, from 21 percent down to 20. Clearly, mainstream health professionals continue to be trained to believe that prescription pharmaceuticals are the answer to whatever ails you, and the number of people following along is increasing. I'm of the firm opinion that the vaccination of babies and children with dangerous chemicals with un-researched, long-lasting side-effects could be the genesis of this problem. We know that processed foods contain addictive components, MSG for example, so why couldn't that be planned as one of those "un-researched, long-lasting side-effects." Questioning the "chemicals have all the answers" mentality, and pursuing a course to determine if there are other, safer alternatives, might not only save you money (since the cost of prescriptions continues to rise), but it could save you from one of the potentially deadly side-effects associated with the wares peddled by Big Pharma, that of addiction.

Regarding this question of vaccinations. Early in 2007 an extensive interview was conducted with a former vaccine researcher who worked nearly 15 years in the labs of major pharmaceutical houses, and the US government's National Institutes of Health. He retired during the 90's. He was "disgusted with what he had discovered about vaccines." He has been a little reluctant to speak out, but the current push to make vaccines mandatory -- with penalties like quarantine lurking in the wings -- has caused him to break his silence. Here are some quotes from the interview:

"As far as I'm concerned, all vaccines are dangerous, for several reasons. They involve the human immune system in a process that tends to compromise immunity. They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to prevent, and they can cause other diseases than the ones they are supposed to prevent."

"The atmosphere surrounding vaccines is full of lies, how can anyone choose what is right for their family? If the FDA were run by honorable people, these vaccines would not be granted licenses. They would be investigated to within an inch of their lives."

Asked if, looking back now, could he recall any good reason to say that vaccines are successful, the doctor's reply was, "No, I can't. If I had a child now, the last thing I would allow is vaccination. I would move out of the state if I had to. I would change the family name. I would disappear with my family. I'm not saying it would come to that. There are ways to sidestep the system with grace, if you know how to act. There are exemptions you can declare, in every state, based on religious and/or philosophic views. But if push came to shove, I would go on the move."

And speaking of the medical cartel, in general, he said, "At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them."

To hear the entire interview, go to inpursuit of, click on the link entitled The Truth About, and then click on The Truth About Vaccines.

If you would be interestd in knowing how my wife of fourty three years and I have managed in avoiding doctors and prescription drugs for nearly thirty-five years, please feel free to contact us. May you enjoy the good health your Creator desires for you.

Lyle L