Friday, December 21, 2007

BroJon Gazette, December, 2007

One of my most trusted sources for "conspiracy" issues is the Brother Jonathan Gazette. The Editor's computer has been under constant and continuous hacker attack for over a year. He has finally uncovered who is trying to shut him up, and he revealed this in the first part of this letter, his first in a year, but I haven't included that information, although if you want it, let me know. What I did want for you to read was what I believe is the real story about so-called, Global Warming. You may believe this, or not, but there must be some legitimate reason why so many notable scientists disassociate themselves from the Al Gore version. You will never hear this side of the story from the liberal press. Whatever you feel about the issue of global warming, you need this information.

This story involves a popular website called Wikipedia. This is a well-known online encyclopedia with entries written by professors and educators or anyone knowledgeable of certain areas of information. All the entries are supposed to by signed by the author and changes to the entries are done with the approval of the original author. All this information is on the Wikipedia website. This has made Wikipedia a wonderful resource for researchers and school children. But in the last year, Wikipedia has become a major source for “disinformation.”

“Somebody” has been breaking into the Wikipedia website and without signatures or approvals has been adding to entries, changing entries and even deleting entries. The break-ins were untraceable.

In the last six months, a private research firm got approval to search through the Wikipedia logs and ferret out who was making all those false encyclopedia entries. It was a long laborious exercise to translate all those log entries into the addresses of the original computers which made those illegal entries. And guess what? A great many of those false entries were coming from the “basement” of the CIA in Langley Virginia. Who would have thought? Well, the CIA does break into many computers using national security as a cover story, sometimes with or without court orders. So this fact was not unexpected.

What was truly amazing was that the vast majority of all illegal break ins and entries into Wikipedia were coming from the “basement” of NASA Headquarters in Washington DC. Yes, NASA Headquarters right on the Mall, next to the National Air and Space Museum.

Does NASA have teams of computer geeks with special knowledge of computer programming for the space program? You betcha. I used to be one of them. In 1983, I personally built and modified the animal cages for the rat and monkey experiments which flew on the Shuttle Columbia in 1984. I personally wrote the computer program using an array of 12 Apple computers to collect, store and process all the biological data, in real time, from the 24 rats and 4 monkeys. In 1983, Apple II was considered, “state of the art.” Apples didn't have the problems of the old IBM PC which constantly and randomly shut down and stopped working. The problem was not the PC itself, it was the poorly constructed program called MicroSoft MSDOS. To make the computer run again, somebody needed to manually push Reset to unfreeze and reboot the computer, something NASA thought was undesirable for use in the space program, so Apples were chosen instead.

I personally don't call myself a computer geek, and I have never worked with teams of programmers. NASA always hired me to fix specific problems and I did them all single-handedly. I did build my first home-made computer in 1975 and the only language I could use then was machine code or assembly code. There was then no Algol, Fortran nor Basic for home-made computers. There was only manual entry of each microprocessor instruction. This is called machine code. Programming computers in machine code is a trait common to “computer geeks.” So in that sense, I could be called a computer “geek.” And if you want to call me that – it's OK. But just say it softly so I can't hear you. I detest “computer geeks” especially when they “team up” to break in and destroy my computer, or to break into Wikipedia. And what has NASA/CIA been doing breaking into Wikipedia?

Most of the changed or modified entries in Wikipedia had to do with changing the facts and history of “Global Warming.” Based on the entries in Wikipedia, you would believe that global warming is real and it is supported by the scientific facts, but as I have shown in numerous articles in the Brother Jonathan Gazette all those facts are, in fact, false and simply “manufactured” by NASA. Since I was publishing proof that Global Warming was false, NASA/CIA had no choice but to also break in to my computer and shut down the BroJon Gazette.

Carbon Dioxide is not and can never be a “greenhouse gas.” There is no such thing as a greenhouse layer, there is no “warming” of the planet, there is no melting of the ice caps, there is no warming of the oceans nor rise in the sea levels. There is no melting of glaciers caused by “warming.” All those claims, and many more, made by Al Gore in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” are 100 percent false and mostly coming from a single source, NASA's “expert” James Hansen. It's not coming from NASA, but only from Hansen himself. But even now, Hansen admits that he lied in order to promote the concept of “global warming.”

So what's going on here? The strange “wedding” of NASA and the CIA is what I have named the TROIKA. Since the roots of this organization were first formed in southern Russia in 1895, I have given it a Russian name. It's a long story, with lots of documentation, so that will be coming up later.

What's next is a very short set of paragraphs explaining why there is no such thing as a “Hole in the Ozone Layer” nor “Global Warming.” It is so simple even grammar school kids who are forced to sit through screenings of “An Inconvenient Truth” can understand it. The proof is devastating and scientific, and it's simple. Most Americans believe that Global Warming is an American scientific theory and is supported by a “consensus” of scientists at NASA. Wrong!

The very first use of the terms “hole in the ozone” and “global warming” came not from Americans in 1980 or 1990, but came much earlier from the basement of the Kremlin in Moscow. It was pure poppycock propaganda from the Soviet KGB, and first broadcast from Radio Moscow in 1970. I know exactly where I was in 1970, and I heard those broadcasts myself. I was a short wave radio ham, and frequently listened to Radio Moscow as an alternate news source. Today most people have another source of alternate news, it's called the Internet. The purpose of the false KGB propaganda was to slow down the American Space program in the race to the moon in 1970, and was designed to blame Americans for polluting the planet, and thus shut down the world economy. It still has that same function today. The Global Warming theory made no sense to me when I first heard it in 1970. It still makes no scientific sense today. Coming Next: “A TALE OF TWO GASES – Ozone and Carbon Dioxide...”

(Note: Because of the severely deteriorated state of my main computer, I cannot update the Brother Jonathan Gazette news stories, nor make entries into the BroJon Almanac, nor the BroJon Earthquake Predictor. Be patient. I am working on it. Even as I type this on my laptop, which has no connection to the Internet, and has not skipped a heartbeat in several years, my main computer has just sounded an alarm that it has discovered another Trojan break in. I hate Troika computer geeks. And so the beat goes on.)

Marshall Smith
Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette
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