Thursday, December 13, 2007

Republicans Win in Special Elections

Congressional Special Elections:
Republicans Win Big In Ohio and Virginia
Look Toward Illinois and Louisiana

Yesterday, something was happening besides another presidential debate (borrrinnnggg). In two Special Congressional elections, both Bob Latta of Ohio (R), and Rob Wittman of Virginia (R), won decisive victories in which the Democrats thought they could win in close elections.
These results of the special Congressional elections in Ohio and Virginia could be further confirmation of a shifting political environment, an electorate desperate for another change in Washington, and a wide-open congressional playing field. Both special elections in Ohio and Virginia have made one thing clear: the political climate continues to move away from the issues that brought
Democrats success in 2006.
As we approach the 2008 election season, Congressional Democrats are divided, still consumed with their hatred for George Bush, shouting at one another, left without a winning strategy and with the stark realization that they probably won't get a repeat of their 2006 election success. They have forfeited the mantle of change and the American electorate is restless, again. 2008 should be intersting.